
Cochlear Implants

Cochlear implants are options for people with a very significant hearing loss. Dr. Whiteley can help you find out if you qualify for a cochlear implant and guide you through the process of obtaining a cochlear implant if you qualify. Dr. Whiteley programs and adjusts cochlear implants for patients who obtain these devices.

Cochlear implants are medical devices that bypass the external and internal ear and send the sound signal directly to the auditory nerve. The implant itself is a small electrode that is surgically inserted into the inner ear. An external device, worn on the ear, receives sound and codes it into a signal that the internal component can produce. From there, the auditory nerve transmits the signal to the brain, allowing people to hear who otherwise could not.

There is a very careful process of determining who is and who is not a cochlear implant candidate. Dr. Whiteley can conduct this special evaluation with you and coordinate a meeting with a surgeon who performs cochlear implant surgeries. From there, Dr. Whiteley and the surgeon will follow up with you to ensure that you are performing to the best of your abilities with your cochlear implant.