Pricing Structure
You have probably heard of a friend or family member paying seven thousand, eight thousand, even over ten thousand dollars for a set of hearing aids. You may have even experienced this yourself.
For decades, most audiology practices, as well as hearing aid dispersers, base their fees on what is known as bundled pricing. This means that you pay up front for every service you may need for the life of your hearing aids, whether you need it or not. This removes your freedom to choose when and how you obtain service. This is why the upfront costs of hearing aids are so very high. In essence, the patients who need fewer visits are subsidizing those who need more. At Whiteley & Whiteley Audiology, our prices are unbundled, meaning you pay for exactly for the services you need at the time you need them, not a dollar more. If you prefer a pay-once-and-be-done option, we do offer a bundled plan that doesn’t break the bank. Ask us.